Monday, December 6, 2010

hey, i am single!

btw,afta lookin' for a few more awesome buddy's blog. so i am too..hikhik..tada...~
cute..oke back to the title..hey! i am single!

I am available but not for sale,
Don't you ever expect me in your mail,
There's only one story beneath this veil,
It's modesty, and not an ad to hail,
Woo me not because you will surely fail,
You really really think I am that frail?
You're not a hammer and I'm not a nail,
I don't want a boyfriend, he's such an ail,
I would prefer to be stuck in a jail,
But I'm free of you and your fairytale,
If you want me then be the alpha male,
Don't hide in your shell like a slimy snail,
Be my husband, by Allah we stand still.

 p/s : keep this word. =)


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