btw i looveee pak cik bas kolej serumpon yg
lame gile nk tunggu bas kat fak medic...1 setengah jam kot..alang2 tuto akaun burn le... so sory for not attend ur class..i've been stuck there..ngeeee...
tp pas pade kelas akaun taditetibe ase cedey melampau...ha ape kes ha...?
pelik la owg laen dok girang gumbira nk balek raye aku lak dok cedey layan perasaan kat cni...
haish...but its to faten..nyway thanks to her coz owez lend me her ear for me ..ahaks...ten aku cyg ko lebey la....(^^,)
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we're together! |
but then lepak kat kafe tp kan masing2 da x de selera nk makan da...??????
hurm...sesudah itu daku pun pulang bersame parents tersayang....
dear UPm :
i left my heart dat full of sadness...gloomy...and tears here...
and i left it far far im not going to take it back instead of i'll make it just a history of my life..
dear ALLAH..pliz give me strength to live on...
im not quite strong to hold on...
dear heart..
i'll let u go..but pliz...just stay away from me & never come back to me...
hey gurl...u need to wake up...chill up...
there's nothing to worry about...
u have everythings..just let it be...
by that..i'll come back there with new heart that full of joy..happiness..
opss....tetibe nk tetacing ni ape kes..hadoiii...skip2...
eh2 da nk raye la...yeay!! but btw sedih jugak tinggalkan ramadhan nie..setahun sekali jek...
andai kate umo x panjang..hurm....aish....
sebelom tu ni nk ucapkan...
Maap atas segale salah silap sepanjang tahun ini yer kawan2...
andai kate terkasar bahase..tersilap kate...
mintak ampun bebanyak yer...
pade yg memandu berhati2 lah di jalan raye...
ingatlah pade ank bini yg tersayang....
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selamat hari rayerr... |
ok darl..da ngantuk...uffff....penatnye.....
will be continue with another entries ya...nite babe!!
p/s : geng2 kaki sakat..i'll gonna mish u guys...haha..
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