nak dijadikan citer perbualan antare daku & sela..
fara : elo..???
sela : aku da otw nk g nie...
fara : nk g mane tambi??
sela : nk g tempat ko la sengal....
fara : nk wat ape...( pertanyeaan yg agk blurr disitu...hahaha )
sela : hoi.......nk bawak ko kua bukk pose la ngek!!!! (sela membebel macam nenek tue )
but the end im still on bluur...wat da...?? hahah lastly oh dat matter we had been discuss by a week..upss im forgot oready lar waitin' 4 them for about 2 hour plus minus...ohhh...sangatla lambat..."fara jem terok giler la" dats was b da reason..orite ok im waitin...waitin...n keep waitin...till i was sleeping...
muke bosan menuggu~~~~ |
looking at the time at that tyme...ouhhh where r they goin ha...??? rupe2 nye mereka salah masok kolej..hahaha g masok k10..mabok tol..kakakaka....but then they got me there..
unfortunately they ask me for my money....oh men...i am refused but then i am agree..y r??
oh coz of KESANGGUPAN mereka utk dtg kesini..* wekkk....(^^,)
we're at mines till 10.30 i tot..after having our berbuka sum window shupink...then im askin' them to drop me away about 12.15 but not end at all..still having a lil conversation for a moment..urm......feelin' so badly..nyway thank to BIG ABG (driver of us ) + sela coz take me away from here..ouh....muahhxss...
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here we r..taken by our big bosh..hihi... | not a lucky person at all maybe...wut's wrong er..? on da day i wanna goin back to college had been cheated by driver taxi keling bodoh itu!!!! shit!! walamak..terover dose cdo..beginilah..kembang2 muke gue but recover by hanan and nizar...ngeeeeee..tq to both of them..
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am i look like their lil sis?? hahaha |
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wif my dearest cik hanan..mish her badly...but..who was | da cutest 1..hahahah |
having fun wif them even for a while..hukhuk..waw...da lame x gelak besa dengan nan..finally at last..hihihi...but then im not hepy at wallet was left in the bus on the way i wanna go to come...????????? really not in a gud mood for having my meal..luckily had them faten,zati & kak nana dat kindly lend me their money + share their meals wif me too...tq u ol..muah..(^^,)
btw got my wallet back after then by the kindness of both my luvly rumate mai ngn kak ain,,tq2 sooo much lor...upss....kinda late for now..i have to sleep on havin' my test for SKP yg buring giler itu...
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hepyly me... |
p/s : wish can do da test cheerfully..maybe..???
I loike. <3